Skill at Arms

Rebellion Reenactment will be bringing their living history display and entertaining us with their skill at arms to the show. Come and meet the actors and horses in their authentic encampment, and ask any questions about what life was like as a cavalryman. (Monday only)
Sheepdog Display

Bob Hogg brings the world of the shepherd and his dog into the main arena, showing the skills these amazing animals have, whilst offering great entertainment. (Sunday only)

Come and enjoy these beautiful birds of prey in the main arena. Gain a greater appreciation of what these amazing creatures are capable of, learning all about their lives, both in the wild and in captivity. The display will be on the Sunday and Monday.
The Lamb National

Shepherd Bob Hogg uses the natural hardiness, agility and intelligence of Herdwick sheep to negotiate the obstacles using one of his sheepdogs to herd them around the course.
After being paraded in their own colours, they are introduced to the audience and then the fun starts.. (Both days)

Once again we will have a display of heavy horses in the main arena this year. These beautiful animals, once the “engine of industry” who used to farm the land, haul heavy loads and even carry knights in armour into battle, are an iconic part of our rural heritage.